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Geoffrey Field Infant School

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Uniform guidance

The main school colours are royal blue and grey. The uniform remains the same throughout the year with parents encouraged to make their own choices to suit the weather. 


A list of key items: 

  • A royal blue jumper or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey trousers, shorts, a dress or a skirt 
  • A royal blue, light blue or white polo shirt (t-shirt with a collar) (with or without the school logo)
  • Blue and white summer dresses or skirts may be worn to suit the weather


Uniform items with the school logo are NOT essential and alternatively you can purchase clothing items to match the school colours listed above from a retailer of your choice.

Uniform items with the school logo are available from Stevensons, 11-12 Market Place, Reading, RG1 2EG or may be bought online at; www.stevensons.co.uk 

Regular sales of second hand uniform are held by the PTFA and take place throughout the year (items can be obtained with or without a donation). Please email Miss Sarah King should you require an item at any other time; sarah.king@geoffreyfieldinfant.reading.sch.uk


Other colour options: Black or navy trousers, shorts, dresses or skirts are acceptable as an alternative to grey. Navy blue jumpers or cardigans are acceptable as an alternative to royal blue. T-shirts without collars are acceptable as an alternative to t-shirts with a collar. 


Water bottles are available to buy from the school office. Water bottles cost £1. Children must bring a water bottle to school every day. If a child does not have a water bottle with them one will be provided with the £1 charge passed to parents. 

Children should bring a book bag with them every day. There are Geoffrey Field ones available from Stevensons.

Alternatively you can purchase one with another design, however they must be flat as they need to fit into pupils' trays. 

Please ensure that all items of unifrom are named, as well as book bags, water bottles, shoes and coats.

PE kits

Please ensure your child has a PE kit consisting of a t-shirt, shorts and well fitting pumps or trainers in school on the first day of term (in Reception pumps or trainers are not required until later in the year - please check with your child's class teacher). There are no specific colour requirements for the items in the PE kit and the  items do not need to have a logo. 

Well fitting jogging trousers or leggings are useful for outdoor PE in cooler weather. 

The PE kit clothing items listed above can be purchased from a retailer of your choice.


PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing and checking that PE pumps and other items still fit well. If parents would like to take home PE kits for washing on a more regular basis please request this at the classroom door. 

PE kits should be kept in a drawstring bag. There are Geoffrey Field PE bags available from Stevensons. Alternatively any drawstring bag can be used. 

Please ensure all items of PE kit, including the bag and each pump is named. 




Footwear and earrings

Young children are very active and need to run and enjoy themselves at playtime. It is advisable that children wear appropriate, i.e. safe, footwear.  Shoes with high heels are not considered appropriate for young children. Sandals should have sufficient straps to keep them secured to children's feet safely. 

Pupils should not wear earrings which do not sit within the ear lobe. Longer earrings or hoop earrings are not safe for PE or outdoor climbing. Please ensure any earrings worn are studs like the example below:



Please ensure that all items of clothing, including shoes and coats, are named.


Date of issue: September 2024