School Governors
School Governors:
The Governing Body of Geoffrey Field Infant School actively seeks to be diverse. We collect diversity data from our Governors, however, due to the size of the Governing Body and to protect Governor’s privacy, this information is not currently published on the school website. This information is available by request. Please email the Clerk to the Governing Body for assistance should you have any queries.
Instrument of Government (Governing Board structure)
1. The name of the school is Geoffrey Field Infant School.
2. The school is a community school.
3. The name of the governing body is "The governing body of Geoffrey Field Infant School".
4. The governing body shall consist of:
- Two Parent Governors
- One Local Authority Governor
- One Staff Governor
- One Headteacher
- Four Co-opted Governors
5. The total number of governors is 9.
6. The term of office will be for four years for all the categories.
7. The instrument of government comes into effect on 1 September 2015.
8. This instrument was made by order of Reading Borough Council on 12 June 2015
9. A copy of the instrument must be supplied to every member of the governor body.
The school may have Associate members of the Governing Board without voting rights.
Register of Interests
There are no personal relationships between governors and members of staff. Business or pecuniary interests are recorded within the list of Governors above.
Responsibilities of the Governing Board and its Committees
Policy Working Group
FGB Policy Working Group Terms of Reference 2024-25
Governing Body
Scope and Organisation 2024-25
Pay Committee
Pay Committee Terms of Reference 2024-25
Nursery Admissions Panel
Nursery Admissions Panel Terms of Reference 2024-25
Code of Conduct
Statutory Policies
Follow the link below to see a list of the statutory policies for schools
Statutory policies for schools
Contacting Governors
To contact the Governors, please phone or email via the school office:
0118 937 5473
Alternatively contact the Chair or the Clerk using one of the following addresses: