Mathematics at Geoffrey Field Infant School
We want all children to:
- believe that they can achieve well at Mathematics and welcome the challenge to do so
- develop a fascination for numbers and spatial awareness
- become fluent and confident Mathematicians
- explain their Mathematical thinking clearly
- solve problems by reasoning
- apply their Mathematical skills in a wide range of situations
- transfer to the next stage of their education having achieved age related goals so that they can be successful in their future lives
At Geoffrey Field Infant School children are encouraged to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills through a concrete pictorial approach (CPA). In lessons, children in Year 1 and Year 2 use White Rose textbooks and workbooks. They also use concrete resources to ensure a depth of understanding. Within lessons children are expected to work collaboratively with each other and communicate their thinking. The skills involved in explaining and reasoning are developed on a daily basis. Children are expected to explain and reason using complete sentences e.g. ‘I know …… because….’ Whilst the White Rose textbooks are aimed at Year 1 and Year 2 the principles which underpin this approach are applied to our teaching of Mathematics in Nursery and Reception.
If a child has mastered a Mathematical concept then they will be able to:
- describe it in their own words
- represent it in different ways
- explain it to someone else
- see connections with other facts and concepts
- recognise it in new situations
- understand why and how
At Geoffrey Field Infant school we know that all pupils are capable of understanding Mathematics given sufficient time, high quality teaching and access to a range of resources.
Progression in Mathematics Calculations
Please see the documents below for information on how the calculations are taught in our school, and what progression looks like for these calculations.
Progression in Addition
Progression in Subtraction
Progression in Multiplication
Progression in Division