Home learning
How to access home learning
The best place to access home learning for your child is on Tapestry.
This is where home learning videos, documents and links are posted. We also ask that parents use Tapestry to post their child's home learning so that staff can see the learning and provide specific feedback. Parents can post photos or videos of what their child has done, or can post comments (notes) to explain what their child did or said.
If you are unsure of how to post or of your log in details for Tapestry please see the additional information by scrolling down this page.
You can access Tapestry by downloading the free app or by using their website: https://tapestryjournal.com/s/geoffrey-field-infant-school
Parent/carer accounts were set up when your child joined our school. However, if you would like additional relative accounts set up, for example so that both parents have their own log in, please contact admin@geoffreyfieldinfant.reading.sch.uk Please also use this email if you require any help with remembering your log in details.
This video shows you how to add an observation using the Tapestry website. Using the app is very similar, just click on the blue + in the top right corner of your screen.
General Home Learning Links
The following websites may be useful in supporting home learning.
The links are colour coded: red - suitable for Nursery and Reception, blue - suitable for Years 1 and 2, purple - suitable for all.
BBC Bitesize post content linked to the National Curriculum. You can use the curriculum knowledge organisers and subject progression documents to help know what would be best to access for your child.
Home access to Espresso, which is a learning platform that we use in school to access a wide range of resources. Click Login in the top right corner, the username is student4619 and the password is geoffrey
Scratch Junior Computer programming app suitable for ages 5-7
Oxford Owl free online books Free online ebooks for your child to read. There is an online reading assessment to help you find the right level of book, as the colour levels will not match the ones we use at Geoffrey Field
Oxford Owl learning Learning activities from Oxford Owl
Twinkl You can sign up for access to free resources
Phonics Play This website has a number of free to access phonics games that would be particularly suitable for pupils in Reception or Year 1
Non screen based learning activities Here is a list of 25 activities that you can do to support learning at home that are non screen based
Spellings Games that support pupils in Years 1 and 2 to learn some of the common exception words as listed in the National Curriculum
Early Years Maths This website has a range of leaflets that suggest ways to support Maths learning at home without needing to print any resources
Early Years Writing These are the leaflets from the same website as above, linked to Writing
Early Years printable pack This pack produced by TTS provides some printable resources as well as a wide range of suggested activities including making playdough (recipe provided), nursery rhymes and physical activity challenges
Free access to a range of maths activities.
National Literacy Trust Family Zone Guides for specific age ranges to support learning at home.
Whizz Pop Bang! Sign up for free to access some fun science experiments and other ideas. Planned activities start from Year 2 but some will also be suitable for Year 1.
Videos of a range of authors reading their own books aloud
Draw alongside an illustrator Videos of authors/illustrators showing you how to draw characters from their book. Join in and develop your drawing skills!