Breakfast Club
General Information
- The provision will start at 7.50am and the allocated drop off window at the breakfast club door is between 7.50am and 8.00am. After 8.00am drop off will be via the main office.
- A selection of breakfast items such as cereal, toast, pancakes, yoghurt, fruit and waffles will be available. Please note breakfast food is only available until 8.15am.
- The cost will be £4.00 per day (£20.00 per week) for pupils who require breakfast food.
- For pupils who do not require food a price reduction may be considered.
The online booking system for the Breakfast School Club is now operational please contact the school office with any queries or to set up an account. Reception parents and parents who have not booked before should phone the school office to be sent an email to set up an account. The booking system is currently available up until the Christmas break. Online bookings can be made via the school’s booking system Eduspot:
Bookings can be made in advance for regular sessions each week or individual days can be booked as they are required. All bookings should be made online and paid for before the club takes place. Payments must be made by Eduspot, we cannot accept cash.
- Registration: children must be registered using the form below which should then handed in to the school office.
- Booking: sessions must be pre-booked and pre-paid on line by following this link: School Money Booking
Breakfast Club Registration Form