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Geoffrey Field Infant School

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Nursery (click here)

Reception (click here)

Admissions information



This part of the website is to provide information for parents and children who are interested in registering for our Nursery waiting list.  Below is a presentation shared with parents of children starting with us in September 2023. These presentations will provide any prospective parents with some information about our Nursery. 

Nursery Parent Presentation 

Presentation for Nursery


Helping to prepare your child for Nursery (click image to enlarge)


Nursery photo slideshow:


What does my child need to bring to Nursery?

(click to enlarge)



Below is some of the information provided to parents of pupils who are joining us in September 2023. The information may be helpful for any parents looking at schools in preparation for the next intake. 

Presentation for Reception

Headteacher's Presentation 

Tour of Reception:

Tour of the rest of the school:



Helping to prepare your child for school 

Reception photo slideshow:

What does your child need to bring to school?

(click to enlarge)



Home School Agreement 

Please click here to view our home school agreement. This document is an agreement between the school, parents and the child. It details how each of us will contribute so that all children in our school feel safe, valued and ready to learn. At the beginning of the autumn term we will ask you and your child to sign this agreement as well as the class teacher. Please look at the document beforehand so that you have had a chance to read it and ask any questions before you sign it at the beginning of the autumn term. 


Admissions information

Primary schools catchment area map

Nursery admissions are handled internally by the Nursery Admissions Panel consisting of school staff and Governors.

Children can be registered onto the waiting list from the age of 2 years.

Application forms and admissions policies are available from the school office or from the school website. Completed forms should be handed into the school office during school hours with the child’s original birth certificate or passport to verify their date of birth.

Children are eligible for placement in Nursery the term after their third birthday. However, the majority of places are filled in September due to the admission of children into the Reception year. Parents are contacted as soon as a place is available .

If the waiting list is oversubscribed the admission criteria (see Nursery Admissions Policy) will be used.

Nursery transfers are only accepted in exceptional circumstances.

Should you wish for your child to be considered for a place for September 2024 please ensure an application is received by the School Office by midday on Wednesday 20th March 2024.

To be eligible for a place your child will need to be 3 years old before 31st August 2024.  


School Admissions (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) 

The School Admissions Team at Brighter Futures for Children, on behalf of Reading Borough Council, coordinate the school places in all Reading schools. For information about the process, including dates for applications and appeals, please visit: https://brighterfuturesforchildren.org/schools/admissions/arrangements/

For admission to any of the above years please contact the Admissions Team:

Telephone 0118 937 3777 or visit the Brighter Futures for Children website. 

RBC admissions policy may be found under "Our School: Policies" or by following this link https://brighterfuturesforchildren.org/schools/admissions/arrangements/


Appeals must be made via Brighter Futures for Children. Please press here for more information or contact the admissions team on 01189 373777.

Primary 2023 Coordinated Scheme

Primary Admissions Policy for Community Schools 2023


Once your child has been allocated a place we will ask you to complete the registration forms. The school admin team will be in contact with you (usually via email) to explain how and when to do this. It is important that all the information requested is provided to enable the school to safeguard your child. Please list the contact details of all adults that have permission to collect your child. We will also require your child’s NHS number which is available from your GP.


Admission to Year 3 

The School Admissions Team at Brighter Futures for Children, on behalf of Reading Borough Council, coordinate the school places for children moving to Year 3.  Application forms are sent to parents by Reading Borough Council in the autumn term of Year 2 and are also available online at https://brighterfuturesforchildren.org/schools/admissions/arrangements/

Brighter Futures for Children allocate the places and contact parents directly to offer places.

The Admissions Department can be contacted on 0118 937 3777 or visit https://brighterfuturesforchildren.org/schools/admissions/arrangements/